30 lines
888 B
30 lines
888 B
-- To find any highlight groups: "<cmd> Telescope highlights"
-- Each highlight group can take a table with variables fg, bg, bold, italic, etc
-- base30 variable names can also be used as colors
local M = {}
---@type Base46HLGroupsList
M.override = {
-- ColorColumn = { bg = "#770000" },
-- Comment = { italic = true, },
-- DiffChange = { bg = "NONE", fg = "#e7c547" },
-- DiffText = { bg = "NONE", fg = "#ff8700" },
-- FoldColumn = { bg = "NONE" },
-- NormalFloat = { bg = "NONE" },
-- LineNr = { bg = "NONE", fg = "#465457" },
-- NonText = { bg = "NONE" },
-- Normal = { bg = "NONE" },
-- SignColumn = { bg = "NONE" },
-- SpellBad = { bg = "#770000", fg = "#ffffff" },
-- TelescopeNormal = { bg = "NONE" },
-- Visual = { bg = "#005577", fg = "#ffffff" },
---@type HLTable
M.add = {
NvimTreeOpenedFolderName = { fg = "green", bold = true },
return M