# macOS specific if [[ $(uname -s) = "Darwin" ]]; then eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)" fi # prepare directories touch $HOME/.hushlogin mkdir -p $XDG_CACHE_HOME/zsh mkdir -p $XDG_DATA_HOME/zsh # global exports and options setopt HIST_IGNORE_ALL_DUPS setopt HIST_SAVE_NO_DUPS setopt HIST_REDUCE_BLANKS setopt SHARE_HISTORY setopt INC_APPEND_HISTORY ln -sf $XDG_DATA_HOME/zsh/history $ZDOTDIR/.zsh_history # set path path=(~/.local/bin "${path[@]}") # source configuration source $ZDOTDIR/aliases.zsh source $ZDOTDIR/cleanhome.zsh source $ZDOTDIR/keys.zsh ## it has to be last source $ZDOTDIR/fzf.zsh # source modules source $HOME/.local/git/zsh_modules/fast-syntax-highlighting/fast-syntax-highlighting.plugin.zsh source $HOME/.local/git/zsh_modules/wd/wd.plugin.zsh export WD_CONFIG=$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/wd_list # set fpath fpath=(~/.local/git/zsh_modules/wd $fpath) # theme and colors if [[ $(command -v vivid) ]]; then export LS_COLORS=$(vivid generate molokai) else unset LS_COLORS fi if [ "$TERM_PROGRAM" != "Apple_Terminal" ]; then eval "$(oh-my-posh --config ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/omp/omp.toml init zsh)" fi # completion zstyle ':completion:*' menu select zstyle ':completion:*' list-colors '' autoload -Uz compinit if [ ! -e $XDG_DATA_HOME/zsh/zcompdump.zwc ]; then autoload -Uz zrecompile zrecompile -p -R $XDG_DATA_HOME/zsh/zcompdump fi compinit -C -d $XDG_DATA_HOME/zsh/zcompdump # quick note functionality if [[ -f ~/.note ]]; then echo cat ~/.note echo fi # cleaning rm -rf ~/.warprc # local settings if [[ -f $HOME/.local/config/zsh ]]; then source $HOME/.local/config/zsh fi