#!/bin/sh div="---" set_output() { sel_sink=$(printf "$sinks\\n$div\\nback\\n$div\\nexit" | wofi -G -dmenu -i -p "select output device") case "$sel_sink" in back) show_current ;; exit) exit ;; *) pactl set-default-sink $(pactl list sinks | grep -B 1 "$sel_sink" | awk -F': ' '/Name:/ {print $2}') ;; esac #kill -46 $(pidof dwmblocks) show_current } set_input() { sel_source=$(printf "$sources\\n$div\\nbluetooth profile\\n$div\\nback\\n$div\\nexit" | wofi -G -dmenu -i -p "select input device") case "$sel_source" in back) show_current ;; exit) exit ;; bluetooth*) set_bt_profile ;; *) pactl set-default-source "$(pactl list sources | grep -B 1 "$sel_source" | awk -F': ' '/Name:/ {print $2}')" ;; esac #kill -46 $(pidof dwmblocks) show_current } set_bt_profile() { bt_sink=$(pactl list cards | awk -F'"' '/device.name.*bluez/ {print $2}') [ -z "${bt_sink}" ] && { notify-send -t 2000 -u critical "ﳌ no headphones connected"; exit; } profile_chosen=$(printf "profile mSBC\\nprofile LDAC\\n$div\\nback\\nexit" | wofi -G -dmenu -i -p "select bluettoth profile") case "$profile_chosen" in back) show_current ;; exit) exit ;; profile*mSBC) pactl set-card-profile $bt_sink headset-head-unit-msbc pactl set-default-source $(pactl list sources short | awk '/bluez_input/ {print $2}') ;; profile*LDAC) pactl set-card-profile $bt_sink a2dp-sink-ldac ;; *) show_current ;; esac pactl set-default } show_current() { def_snk=$(pactl list | grep -A 1 "Name: $(pactl get-default-sink)\$" | awk -F': ' '/Description: / {print $2}') def_src=$(pactl list | grep -A 1 "Name: $(pactl get-default-source)\$" | awk -F': ' '/Description: / {print $2}') chosen=$(printf "output: $def_snk\\ninput: $def_src" | wofi -G -dmenu -i -p "current audio devices") if [ "$1" = "no_switch" ]; then case "$chosen" in *) notify-send -t 2000 -u critical "婢 no device to switch" ;; esac else case "$chosen" in output*) set_output ;; input*) set_input ;; esac fi } sinks=$(pactl list sinks | awk -F': ' '/Description:/ {print $2}') sources=$(pactl list sources | grep -v 'Monitor of ' | awk -F': ' '/Description:/ {print $2}') [ "$(echo "$sinks" | wc -l)" -lt 2 ] && { show_current no_switch; exit; } show_current