env: TERM: xterm-256color window: dimensions: columns: 120 lines: 34 padding: x: 5 y: 3 dynamic_padding: false decorations: none startup_mode: Windowed dynamic_title: true scrolling: history: 10000 multiplier: 3 font: normal: family: JetBrainsMono Nerd Font Mono style: Medium bold: family: JetBrainsMono Nerd Font Mono style: Bold italic: family: JetBrainsMono Nerd Font Mono style: Italic bold_italic: family: JetBrainsMono Nerd Font Mono style: Bold Italic size: 6 # Offset is the extra space around each character. `offset.y` can be thought # of as modifying the line spacing, and `offset.x` as modifying the letter # spacing. #offset: # x: 0 # y: 0 # Glyph offset determines the locations of the glyphs within their cells with # the default being at the bottom. Increasing `x` moves the glyph to the # right, increasing `y` moves the glyph upward. #glyph_offset: # x: 0 # y: 0 draw_bold_text_with_bright_colors: false schemes: ftpd: &ftpd primary: foreground: '#c7c7c7' background: '#161616' cursor: cursor: '#c7c7c7' text: '#feffff' selection: background: '#c1ddff' text: '#000000' normal: black: '#161616' red: '#fd4285' green: '#a6e22d' yellow: '#e5da72' blue: '#0094d8' magenta: '#9a37ff' cyan: '#50b6d8' white: '#c7c7c7' bright: black: '#676767' red: '#fa7fac' green: '#bde271' yellow: '#fff27f' blue: '#00bdff' magenta: '#bd9eff' cyan: '#5ed6fe' white: '#feffff' colors: *ftpd background_opacity: 0.9 cursor: style: shape: Beam blinking: Off vi_mode_style: Block live_config_reload: true mouse: hide_when_typing: false hints: alphabet: "jfkdls;ahgurieowpq" enabled: - regex: "(https:|http:)\ [^\u0000-\u001F\u007F-\u009F<>\"\\s{-}\\^⟨⟩`]+" command: xdg-open post_processing: true mouse: enabled: true mods: None binding: key: O mods: Control key_bindings: - { key: 0, mods: Control, action: ResetFontSize } - { key: Equals, mods: Control, action: IncreaseFontSize } - { key: Minus, mods: Control, action: DecreaseFontSize } - { key: Slash, mods: Control, action: SearchForward } - { key: K, mods: Control, action: ScrollLineUp } - { key: J, mods: Control, action: ScrollLineDown } - { key: V, mods: Shift|Control, action: Paste } - { key: C, mods: Shift|Control, action: Copy }